The Advantages Of Thermoplastic Markings

Precision Striping and Lot Restorations Blog

Thermoplastic is a popular choice for creating lasting pavement markings on roads and commercial parking lots due to its unique properties that make it a worthwhile investment. Thermoplastic is made of synthetic resin and premix glass beads and is heated for easier application.

There are multiple paint options for pavement markings available in the market today, each with varying pricing and offering unique features. If you want to know why you should choose thermoplastic markings over other options, then keep reading because we have a few pointers that are bound to sway you.


Thermoplastic paint can be colored to specification by simply adding pigments to the hot liquid paint. Also, extra additives can be added to the paint for longer color retention and improved reflective capabilities.

Quick-drying time

Thermoplastic is heated so it can be painted onto the pavement. However, despite this extra step in parking lot striping, using thermoplastic instead of other kinds of paints does not extend the project timeline thanks to its fast drying times. Thermoplastic paint sets quickly, without losing its texture, coloring, finish, or durability.

Strong adhesive properties

Thermoplastic strongly adheres to pavement and does not wash off due to heavy rain or cleaning. The paint does wear off over time, but its adhesive property keeps it well-bonded to the surface.


Thermoplastic markings fare better when it comes to long-term exposure to sunlight or rain. Due to its climate resistance properties, the paint doesn’t fade or lose its texture.

Enhanced Safety

The foremost advantage of using thermoplastic road markings is perhaps the additional safety it offers. Thermoplastic markings can be made highly reflective for optimal visibility at night-time and during harsh weather like storms. In addition, you can use multiple layers to create rumble strips to alert drivers of impending danger or the need to reduce their speed, which increases safety for pedestrians and reduces the risk of accidents.

Highly Durable

Thermoplastic markings are highly durable and can last much longer than ordinary traffic paint while retaining their look and finish. This durability reduces the need for maintenance, giving property owners some room to breathe between projects.


The extended life of thermoplastic paint and the durability of these road markings make the need for repainting much less frequent. Thus, making this a more cost-effective solution.

Whether you are choosing thermoplastic paint for your line striping project or some other purpose, make your decision carefully because it can significantly impact the safety and look of your property, liability (for accidents on your property), and maintenance costs. If you are not sure about what the best option might be for you, you can always seek guidance from a professional asphalt maintenance firm. They will be able to guide you better on what kind of paint will be ideal for your pavement, depending on the availability, local weather, and traffic.

Precision Striping & Lot Restorations offers premium thermoplastic marking, striping, and signage solutions in Houston, TX. Get a free estimate for your project.

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